


Bitcoin is the most promising technology and idea of the 21st century. We solely want to make the world a better place by furthering its adoption.

We maintain the firm view that a big part of Bitcoin’s innovation was not only the technological breakthrough but, more importantly, the rekindling of the ideological movement that goes against so many of our current institutions that it’s impractical to summarize here.

In other words, the narrative built through the deluge of intelligent individuals joining the space and sharing their ideas on how the world had worked, works today and how it should work is extremely important. We want to amplify this.

The magic of Bitcoin is that individuals who think for themselves come to their own conclusions about it and willingly opt-in to the system. Decentralized recruitment based on a bedrock of logical, fundamental facts. A major key to further adoption is amplifying the message and ideas to reach as many people as possible. We cannot have a Bitcoin standard if 50% of the world doesn’t understand its importance - hence, education is a critical tool that we can never have enough of.


The problem today is that a plethora of quality Bitcoin content is being written daily, but there is scarce time for readers to digest it all.

The content genre is converging into shorter and shorter content. Further, our attention spans are the shortest they’ve ever been, thanks to our little dopamine devices (phones). Phones are optimized for minuscule content and are uncomfortable for reading long pieces.

We must cater to and meet people where they’re at while still aiming to preserve the message.

The great thing is that the original source is preserved, so a reader is always free to dive in and explore the nuance and arguments that make the post.

How many times have you browsed Twitter, only to open a seemingly-interesting article and save it for “later” reading because you didn’t have the time to focus on it at that moment (e.g., in the grocery line)?

Finally, the content is spread all over the internet - it’s tricky for a newbie to find them.

2 Minute Bitcoin fixes this.

The average person reads 238 words a minute. We strictly cap our content at 2 minutes (476 words) and aim to be as concise as possible. Bullet points, quotes, pictures, and boldened words all help convey the message in a pleasant, digestible way.

If interesting, the reader can always visit the original piece that is being summarized.


  • spreading the bitcoin message is the most crucial key to global adoption

  • time is the scarcest resource

  • world moving to shorter and more concise content

  • meet readers where they’re at - 2 minutes

This post was exactly 476 words – we hope it was engaging!


The team at 2 minute bitcoin boasts decades of experience in financial institutions - investment banking, cryptocurrency exchanges, family offices, gold brokers, and payment processors. They all turned Bitcoin maxis after learning about the financial system throughout their careers.


It’s the Settlement Assurances, Stupid (2019)